Do not seek to acquire your power from my surrender. Be powerful because you are.
image box

Her surrender, dear friend, is courage at its finest.
Oh, you cannot see the foes she battles
or hear their dying pleas.
But rest assured,
with each new aspect of her life laid at your feet,
she has faced fear and insecurity,
the ghosts of past experiences,
and the dragons of self-doubt and inadequacy.
She vanquishes those foes daily.
Every time she kneels,
in every graceful movement to please,
you witness her courage.
No, my brother.
The quiet struggle for surrender
is the purest example of courage.

13 August, 2004 - for the sake of me - - part I
22 July, 2004 - the taste of catch-up
2004-07-19 - tired with a capital S-O-R-E
2004-07-07 - reasoning ...
2004-07-05 - I know you are there
2004-07-04 - intentions
2004-07-03 - Landslide
2004-07-03 - I reckon
2004-06-30 - I love this mans face ...
2004-06-28 - having become your possession
2004-06-09 - purpose

older entries